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Device Settings Screen

Info on the Device Settings screen.

Written by Stefan
Updated over 10 months ago

The Device Settings screen allows you to set a variety of options which modify how your ShotTrack device records data.

Record Mode

The record mode you choose will affect the length of time the ShotTrack device can record.

If maximising record time for triggered events is important to you, you'll want to select the Peak Vector Sum record mode.

There are three options:

  • Histogram - in this mode, the device will just passively monitor the environment, recording the Peak Vector Sum of the prior 5 minutes over the length of the session.

  • Peak Vector Sum - in this mode, the device also records any events which exceed the thresholds set, but will only record the Peak Vector Sum at every recording interval.

  • Waveform - in this mode, the device also records any events which exceed the threshold set, and will record the X, Y, and Z values at every recording interval.

A key consideration in choosing either Peak Vector Sum or the Waveform recording mode is that less data is being recorded in the Peak Vector Sum mode, therefore, the record time is longer, whereas on Waveform mode, you are recording data on all three axis.

To see the difference you can change the record mode and see how it impacts the limits of the record time further down the Device Settings screen.

Threshold X

The threshold trigger for the X axis.

Threshold Y

The threshold trigger for the Y axis.

Threshold Z

The threshold trigger for the Z axis.

Sample Rate

There are two options:

  • 1000 – One thousand samples a second

  • 2000 – Two thousand samples a second

Record Time

The length of time the event recording should go for once an event has been triggered.


The G setting for your unit. Options are hardware-dependent:

  • 2, 4, 8

  • 10, 20, 40


How far before the event trigger that data should be captured, as a percentage of the total record time.

As an example, if you set the unit to record 32 seconds, and set the pre-trigger at 10%, then you would get 3.2 seconds of sensor data from before the event recording triggered.

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